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Free Modules For Joomla

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Joomla Featured Articles Module

Ever wanted to draw attention to a few particular articles in your joomla website? This simple module allows you to do just that. You just specify the content IDs of the articles you want to feature, and they will their title will get displayed in a simple module.

Download Modules

Mini Mp3 Player

Just upload mp3 files in "/modules/mod_jjmp3/tracks" folder, and You are redy to rock.

Download Modules


Extended Menu

Here is where extended menu is let down. The documentation is there but not well organised. If you are in the same position I was in and need this running, and running fast

Download Modules

AdSense Module

The best simple solution for implementing Google AdSense ads in Joomla!

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Content Management

This module displays items you choose, how you choose, where you choose. A specific content item can be chosen by ID, multiple IDs can be chosen, or the module can dynamically show items from a chosen section or category based on your parameters. You can indicate how many items you want, how many columns to display, and the ordering of the items.

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Article Thumbnails

This module displays a thumbnailed table of articles in sections or categories you have chosen. In order to have a desirable thumbnails, you need to create css classes for tables, tds and links and fill in appropriate fields in parameters control.

Download Modules

Article Ticker

This module displays a fading ticker of your articles. With a chosen number of articles in specific sections or categories, or latest (default setup), or popular articles, this ticker will display each of them faded, consequently or randomly. You can also choose specific articles to display.

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Submitting your or blog site to Google Webmaster will enable Google to find, index, and rank your site. For those who are new to this, you may go to the official Google Webmaster Tools site to create a new Webmaster profile.

Upon logging in using your Gmail account, key in your blog site URL, and click OK. You will then be asked to verify your site. This is to ascertain that you are indeed the owner of the site

Blogger Sitemap

There are two ways to verify your site. You can either add a Meta Tag or Upload an HTML file. If you are using the Meta Tag method, Google will generate a Meta Tag code. Copy the META tag that is generated for you, and paste it in your site's home page in the first section of the page, before the first section. What you do is to go to your Blogger dashboard. Under Template ->Edit HTML, somewhere near the top of the script, add the Meta Tag as follows:

Replace the META TAG with the code generated by Google Webmaster. Once done, Save the Template. When you return to Google Webmaster site, you can click the button that says “Verify”.

Note: The second method of uploading an HTML file is NOT applicable to Bloggers using or because this requires you to upload a file to the root directory of your Blog, which is not possible. There is therefore only one method for you to verify your site, and that is by inserting the Meta Tag as explained above.

After you have had your site verified, click on the Sitemaps tab as shown below. By adding a Sitemap, you will be providing Google with more details and information about your Blog. With this, Google will crawl your site, report information on any errors in the Sitemaps tab, and index your Blog site at a faster rate.

Click the link that says “Add a Sitemap”. This will take you to another screen where you should choose the type “Add General Web Sitemap”. The Sitemap URL for any normal website is usually the index page that is stored in the highest-level directory of that site. In the case of or, the only way to add a Sitemap is to use either of the following 2 Sitemaps:

Remember to replace YOURBLOGNAME with that of your Blog's. For Blogger blogs, do not add "www." to YOURBLOGNAME. Once you have added your Sitemaps, you will receive a confirmation telling you that reports are being generated but “may take several hours to update”. Congratulations! You have successfully added your Sitemaps. When you login to your Google Webmaster days later, you should be able to see the indexed pages and statistics of Google webcrawl of your Blog.

Leave the meta tag in the template if you want to view the statistics of your site. If Google can't find the meta tag, it will show an error message in your webmaster toolbox and you may have to verify your site again.

You may want to read the articles on how to Submit Blogger URL sitemap to Yahoo! and Submit Blogger Sitemap to MSN and Also, submit your Blog to Blog Directories and Feed Directories to let more people know about your Blog. As well, submit your Blog to the various Search Engines for maximum exposure.

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How do search engines work?

Posted In: . By photo malang

The term "search engine" is often used generically to describe both crawler-based search engines and human-powered directories. These two types of search engines gather their listings in radically different ways.

Crawler-Based Search Engines
Crawler-based search engines, such as Google, create their listings automatically. They "crawl" or "spider" the web, then people search through what they have found.

If you change your web pages, crawler-based search engines eventually find these changes, and that can affect how you are listed. Page titles, body copy and other elements all play a role.

Human-Powered Directories
A human-powered directory, such as the Open Directory, depends on humans for its listings. You submit a short description to the directory for your entire site, or editors write one for sites they review. A search looks for matches only in the descriptions submitted.

Changing your web pages has no effect on your listing. Things that are useful for improving a listing with a search engine have nothing to do with improving a listing in a directory. The only exception is that a good site, with good content, might be more likely to get reviewed for free than a poor site.

"Hybrid Search Engines" Or Mixed Results
In the web's early days, it used to be that a search engine either presented crawler-based results or human-powered listings. Today, it extremely common for both types of results to be presented. Usually, a hybrid search engine will favor one type of listings over another. For example, MSN Search is more likely to present human-powered listings from LookSmart. However, it does also present crawler-based results (as provided by Inktomi), especially for more obscure queries.

The Parts Of A Crawler-Based Search Engine
Crawler-based search engines have three major elements. First is the spider, also called the crawler. The spider visits a web page, reads it, and then follows links to other pages within the site. This is what it means when someone refers to a site being "spidered" or "crawled." The spider returns to the site on a regular basis, such as every month or two, to look for changes.

Everything the spider finds goes into the second part of the search engine, the index. The index, sometimes called the catalog, is like a giant book containing a copy of every web page that the spider finds. If a web page changes, then this book is updated with new information.

Sometimes it can take a while for new pages or changes that the spider finds to be added to the index. Thus, a web page may have been "spidered" but not yet "indexed." Until it is indexed -- added to the index -- it is not available to those searching with the search engine.

Search engine software is the third part of a search engine. This is the program that sifts through the millions of pages recorded in the index to find matches to a search and rank them in order of what it believes is most relevant. You can learn more about how search engine software ranks web pages on the aptly-named How Search Engines Rank Web Pages page.

Major Search Engines: The Same, But Different
All crawler-based search engines have the basic parts described above, but there are differences in how these parts are tuned. That is why the same search on different search engines often produces different results. Some of the significant differences between the major crawler-based search engines are summarized on the Search Engine Features Page. Information on this page has been drawn from the help pages of each search engine, along with knowledge gained from articles, reviews, books, independent research, tips from others and additional information received directly from the various search engines.

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SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the optimization of a web page in order that it ranks higher in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) for specific keywords or keyword phrases. The pages that rank higher typically gain the greater amount of search engine traffic compared to pages ranked lower for the same keyword.

The majority of web users click on one of the top 5 results on the first page when they complete a search. As such, the ultimate goal of any SEO (Search Engine Optimizer) is to gain one of these coveted top spots, with the number one ranking being the primary objective.

Targeting Keywords

However, a top position for any keyword won't suffice. In order to increase your ROI, it is vital to ensure that you target the most appropriate keywords for your pages, and for your business. While generic, or very general topic keywords, may have the highest number of searches conducted in a month they are also the most competitive and typically least productive.

Competitive Keywords

The more competitive a keyword the more pages that you need to compete with in order to benefit from an SEO campaign. Many of the pages that appear at the top of the list will also be well optimized and have a powerful link profile, making it difficult to rank highly.

Improved Conversions With Targeted Keywords

General topic based keywords have also proven to have lower conversion rates compared to more specific keywords. Targeted keywords generate targeted visitors, and targeted visitors are much more likely to be active while on the pages of your website.

How Keyword Research Helps

Keyword research helps you to identify keywords that are relevant, targeted, and preferably less competitive. By finding the right blend of these factors you can minimize the time it takes to rank well, actually increase the number of visitors, and improve your conversion rates. Targeted keyword research leads to better profit opportunities and improved ROI.

Tailoring Your Keyword Research To Your Needs

Every page of a website needs to be treated as an individual project, especially in terms of marketing. Each page will usually attract different visitors in different stages of the purchasing process. Deep product pages will often catch visitors while they are at their most profitable - when they're ready to buy. General pages and even product category pages can be used to attract more general terms, but they should still be properly researched and targeted very precisely to your target market.

Niche Keywords

Niche keywords are often talked about as being the ideal variety of keywords for a page. A niche keyword is a highly targeted, very specific keyword. It is geared towards a corner of the market in which you operate and typically has very few competing pages. Niche keywords don't usually create much in the way of traffic but the traffic that they do create is highly targeted and very active. It attracts excellent conversion rates ensuring that you get a good return on your marketing investment.

Long Tail Keywords

Many web pages will gain visitors from natural keywords within the text. These long tail search terms again produce highly targeted visitors and while each individual term will not produce more than one or possibly two visitors over the space of the month, they do all add up. It is virtually impossible to research long tail keywords because of their infrequency, but by using popular keywords you heighten the chances of seeing more on your website.

Why Keyword Research Is Important

Keyword research is an important aspect of SEO because it helps to identify the terms that surfers use to access sites similar to yours. This, in turn, enables you to optimize the pages of your site and your link profile in order to attract those visitors. By doing so, you may also improve the number of long tail searches that lead to your site, and these product highly targeted visitors for little optimization effort.

By : Omaro Ailoch

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11 Tips for Pay Per Click Success

Posted In: . By photo malang

This list details some very important points to keep in mind when creating or managing any pay-per-click campaign. Is this all there is to know about pay-per-click advertising? Absolutely not, but for those new to PPC it should serve as good place to start. Additionally, pay-per-click veterans or at least the moderately-seasoned will want to touch upon these points now and then to brush up on their fundamentals.

1) Do your keyword homework.

Use Google's free Keyword Tool or sign up for a WordTracker account to find out which keywords are the most competitive. The more competitive the keyword, the more expensive your clicks will be. While you're finding out which keywords are too expensive you'll come across some that aren't being targeted heavily by advertisers. Take a good look at these - they may be your keys to a successful niche campaign.

2) Don't bunch your ad groups.

You should be striving to separate your ad groups by keyword. Whatever your target, separate your keyword lists into closely related groups containing the same target words and write ads geared specifically to those words. Your ads will show up higher in results based on their quality, and search terms show up bold in results - a click-through rate booster.

3) Drive home your selling point.

What's your offer? Why are you better than the others? Remember that your ads are going to display with your competitors. The difference between a user clicking your ad and clicking a competitor ad is about 100 pixels on the screen - or a millisecond of time. You need to convince them that you are the one they want. You are better. Grab them.

4) Don't send users to your home page.

This is perhaps one of the worst things you can do to your Pay-Per-Click campaign. Internet users are notoriously impatient. Send them to your home page when they were searching for a specific product or service and see how fast they leave. Don't waste your advertising budget - send them to optimized landing pages.

5) Optimize your landing pages.

Your landing pages need to drive something home immediately for your users: "you have landed in the right place." They need to know that, yes, this is what they were looking for, here it is, here is why it is better than the rest and here's the easy thing they need to do to get it. In most cases you'll need to create multiple landing pages based on your different ad groups and keywords, but look at it this way - if your users aren't landing at pages geared exactly to their search phrases they'll leave and take your advertising budget with them.

6) Don't lie in your ads.

People aren't dumb. If you promise something in your ads you had better well deliver. Otherwise you'll not only waste advertising dollars but damage your brand. Be honest, and focus on points that make you stand out from the competition. Grandiose ad text might bring in clicks, but if it isn't the truth it won't bring in conversions.

7) Your domain name counts.

In most cases you can display a domain name that you own as the "display domain" but point the ads to a page on a different domain. Why does this matter? If you own a domain name that contains the keyword text it will show up bold and increase conversions. Enter the optimized domain as the displayed domain, point the ads to your landing pages and you can expect higher CTRs in most cases.

8) Utilize negative keywords.

Google has a new Negative Keyword Tool that will allow you to find negative keywords that you should specify for your ads. Negative keywords are those that you don't want your ads to display for. For example, if you're selling "blue widgets" you don't want to display your ads to those users searching for "free blue widgets." If you don't use negative keywords you are missing out on a chance to get more targeted traffic to your landing pages, and this can really hurt your conversion rates.

9) Test, test, and test some more.

The greatest thing about internet advertising is the ability it grants you to measure your success. It's easy to create A/B split tests with Pay-Per-Click advertising. Change one word, add a comma, include a value proposition. . .just make sure you only change one thing for each split or you won't know which variable it was that made the difference! You'll find out right away that this is a great way to optimize your click-through rates - just don't forget that clicks aren't everything!

10) Don't focus too heavily on CTRs.

Getting tons of clicks isn't always the name of the game. In fact, if you aren't using proper techniques to ensure that you're getting targeted traffic and sending it to well-optimized landing pages you can blow through your advertising budget in no time flat. Remember that the success of any advertisement is getting back more than you put in. It's an investment, not a cost - so do all that you can to better your rate of return!

11) Don't pigeonhole yourself.

We all know that Google AdWords is the most popular Pay-Per-Click service out there. Your competitors know it, your users know it - even your grandma might know it. It would be foolish to ignore Google as a venue for advertising, but don't forget that there are other search engines out there who offer similar services. Yahoo!'s new Panama search system is catching on, and Microsoft's adCenter is nothing to sneeze at either. Both companies are currently offering sweet promotional deals to new Pay-Per-Click advertisers to stay competitive so take advantage and diversify!

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Photoshop Tutorials

Posted In: . By photo malang

Simple Frame
Create frame in photoshop, it's very easy to learn

Realistic Running Drop water
Create realistic water in photoshop

How To Create Simple Rollovers
In web design the common thing is to over complicate things. This tutorial gives a neat and simple HTML 2.0 insight into how to make a really effective rollover button.

How to make realistic theather curtains
Make theather curtains from scratch in a 11 simple steps.

In this tutorial you will learn how to design a Clock.

Design a menu for your website
This is web graphics tutorial which will teach you how to create a simple menu on your own homepage.

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Free SEO Site

Posted In: . By photo malang

  • Keyword Rank Checker - Track your website’s ranking in Google, MSN and Yahoo!
  • - Free URL Submitter to many Search Engine and directory submitter

  • - Web Directory with SEO details information

  • Google vs Yahoo Graph - Graphic display of top 50 in Google & Yahoo linked

  • ageRank Lookup - check the PageRank for a website
  • PageRank Verification - check if the displayed PageRank is real
  • Yahoo! WebRank Checker - check your Yahoo WebRank without needing to install the Yahoo toolbar
  • Google PageRank Prediction - check predicted PR of a site
  • Page Strength Tool - quickly assess a site/page's relative importance and visibility
  • Site Stats Tool - A quick snapshot of many indices of your website(s)
  • Poodle Predictor - see what your site will look like in search-engine results
  • Multi-Rank Checker - View your Google PageRank and Alexa Ranking in bulk
  • PageRank Checker - View your Google PageRank on differnet Google servers
  • PageRank for Mac - PageRank toolbar widget For Macintosh
  • PulseRank - Tracks Ranking movement on Google for 1000 keywords
  • Bookmark & Blog Search Check - Find your backlinks in the major bookmarking sites and blog search engines
  • Reciprocal Link Check - check whether your link partners are linking back to your website
  • Link Popularity Checker - a popularity score given to a website based on inbound links
  • LinkPrice Lookup - check the price of your link
  • Link Price Calculator - another tool for checking the price of links
  • Link Checker - check your links to see if it’s still valid or not
  • Link Verification Tool - regularly monitors text links, alerts you to problems
  • Backlink Tracker - check search engines for the number of back links to any specific URL over time
  • Backlink Summary - This tool will give you a summary of your competitors backlinks
  • Xenu's Link Sleuth - Find broken links on web sites
  • Link Popularity - checks the total number of web pages which link to a website
  • Link Quality - Link popularity checker and link quality assessment
  • Link Price Calculator - help to determine the approximate amount you should be paying (or charging) per month for a text link (ad) from each and every page of the specified website
  • Site Link Analyzer - analyze a given web page and return a table of data containing columns of outbound links and their associated anchor text
  • PayPerPost - Get quality contextual links though sponsored blog postings
  • High Traffic Blog Advertising - get your article and links published across hundreds of blogs
  • ReviewMe - Get your service or Web site reviewed by bloggers
  • URL Rewriting - convert dynamic URLs into static looking HTML URLs
  • Link Extractor - Extract links from a specific web page
  • Link Shortener - shorten a web address
  • Directory Lister - only submit your site to the highest quality directories
  • Directory Search Tool - check if your website is on major directories
  • Co-op Advertising Network - get text ads across 20,000+ sites
  • Back Links Finder - Build relevant website back links
  • Backlink Anchor Text Analyzer - check link text used by your backlinks to Link to your wesbite
  • Similar Page Checker - determine the percentage of similarity between two pages
  • Keyword Verification - checks to see if your site is in the top three pages of a search engine result for a specific keyword
  • Keyword Density Analyser - another SEO tools for keywords
  • Indexed Pages Checker - find how many pages of your website have been indexed by Google, Yahoo,
    MSN, Alltheweb, Hotbot and AltaVista.
  • Keyword Cloud - a visual representation of keywords used on a website
  • Keyword Density - another SEO tool for checking keyword density
  • Keyword Analysis - analyse keywords on your website in specific Google datacenters
  • Keyword Data Miner - keyword search volume
  • Keyword Playground - determine key phrases and report on their monthly search estimate
  • Search Engine Saturation Tool - check the number of pages a given search engine has in its index for your website domain
  • Keyword Difficulty Check - see how difficult it would be to rank for specific keywords or phrases
  • Keyword Optimizer - optimizer your keywords with this tool
  • Keyword Typo Generator - generate a list of suggestions for likely human misspellings and typos
  • Comprehensive Typo Generator - generate more human misspellings and typos
  • Keyword Suggestion - Find related keywords matching your search
  • Another Keyword Suggection tool - suggest variations in WordTracker & Overture
  • Keyword Domain Suggestion - suggest keyword rich domain names
  • Free Keyword Research Tool - analyze the meta keywords of your competition
  • XML-Sitemaps - Build your Site Map online (XML, ROR, Text, HTML)
  • Gsitecrawler - Google (and Yahoo!) Sitemap Generator for Windows
  • Validate XML Sitemap - Search Engine Optimizion Tool for validating your xml sitemaps
  • Google Analytics - tells you everything about your visitors
  • Google Backlinks Check - Check Google and 9 data centers for backward link updates
  • Google Banned Checker - check whether a site is banned by Google or not
  • Search Engine Bot Simulator - SEO Tool to simulate search engine parsing of webpages and display discovered links.
  • Indexed pages - check the no. of indexed pages for your blog
  • Spider Simulator - simulates a search engine by displaying the contents of a web page
  • Search Engine Friendly Redirect Checker - checks the exact HTTP headers that a web server is sending with an HTTP response.
  • Search Engine Position - Locate your search listings on Google and Yahoo!
  • Search Listings Preview - Preview your website on Google, MSN and Yahoo! Search
  • HTML Encrypt - Hide your HTML source code
  • HTML Optimizer - Optimize and clean your HTML source code
  • HTTP Headers - Extract the HTTP Headers of a web page
  • HTTP Headers Viewer - check HTTP headers for any specific URL
  • Meta-tags Extractor - Extract meta-tags information from a web page
  • Meta-tags Generator - Generate and configure your meta-tags
  • META Analyzer - analyze a website’s meta tags
  • Meta Tag Generator - help you to generate meta tags
  • Meta Tag Optimization - Check your Title and Meta Tags for keyword optimization
  • Source Code Viewer - View the source code of a page
  • Alexa Traffic Rank - View and compare Alexa Ranking graphs
  • Domain Age Tool - find out the age of your competitor’s domains
  • Domain Stats Tool - get all kind of statistics of your competitor’s domains
  • Domain Availability - Check the availability of domains
  • Domain Look-up - Retrieve a range of information about a domain
  • Domain Whois - Retrieve domain whois information
  • Instant Domain Checker - Check the availability of domains instantly
  • Reverse IP/Look-up - Resolve a host to an IP address
  • Server Status - Check if your website is online or offline
  • Website Speed Test - Find out how fast your website loads
  • What Is My IP Address - shows your ip address
  • Class C Checker - check if some sites are hosted on the same Class C IP Range
  • IP to City - determine the Country, City, Latitude and Longitude of an IP Address
  • Website to Country - determine the Country in which the specified website is Hosted
  • Geo Visitors - detect where in the world visitors are coming from
  • Statcounter - famous free web tracker
  • Web Counter - very simple, free web counter
  • HiStats - Free, real time updated web stats service
  • Addfreestats - provide free website statistics
  • FEED Validator - for Atom and RSS
  • W3C Markup Validation Service - check for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards
  • Browser Screen Resolution Checker - shows what your site looks like with different screen resolutions
  • Read More..


    In this post I’m going to suggest 11 tips for leaving tips on blogs that not only get noticed but that help build your profile and generate traffic.

    1. Be the Early Bird

    One of the best ways to stand out from the crowd is to be get in early. I know numerous bloggers who are great at leaving the first comment on a post and generating some good traffic as a result.

    Of course being first won’t help you if you don’t have anything worthwhile to say - so read on….. (warning: being first all of the time can be quite annoying both for the blogger whose blog you’re commenting on as well as other readers. I know of a few people who’ve actually hurt their reputation by being too eager to comment on every post without actually adding value to conversations.

    2. Share an Example

    A great way to add value to a post that someone else has written is to give an example that illustrates their main point. Quite often bloggers writing ‘how to’ or ‘instructional’ posts cover the theory of a topic really well but fail to give practical examples of how it works itself out in reality. I find that readers really love to see examples - so if you can give them in comments they’ll often be grateful and will check out who is behind them. The examples could be to your own work - or that of others.

    3. Add a Point

    Did the blogger miss a point on their post? Extending the post by adding another argument or point can improve the conversation and show yourself off to be someone who knows what they’re talking about. Some bloggers will even highlight your comment in an update to the post.

    4. Disagree

    One way to stand out from the crowd is to disagree with the post and/or what others are writing in comments. This isn’t something you will want to do on every comment that you leave (and it could be something that gets you into trouble) but it can be quite refreshing to see someone who dares to put forward a different idea to everyone else. Of course you don’t need to do it in an argumentative or attacking way - but respectfully and politely disagree (where you actually do) and you can actually create a real impressions on others.

    5. Write with conviction, passion and personality

    Sometimes when I read the comments left on blogs I wonder if there is anyone with personality behind them or whether they’re written by some sort of zombie like half human half robotic bloggers. Inject some feeling, passion, conviction and emotion into your posts. This doesn’t mean you need to write everything in CAPS or use lots of EXPLANATION MARKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - but when a post excites you, let that feeling enter your comments, when you are happy, let your comment be cheery, when a post evokes anger - don’t be afraid to comment with a little edge.

    6. Use Humor

    As a blogger who has a blog with posts that can get hundreds of comments I know just how mind numbing it can be to read through them all. One type of comment that snaps me out of this state when I’m in moderation mode is a comment that makes me laugh. Of course humor can also be misinterpreted and cause offense - so be a little careful :-)

    7. Ask a Question

    I notice here on ProBlogger that it is often comments that ask questions that get the most responses from other commenters. I guess it makes sense - asking a question calls for a response - we’re all wired to answer them - so they do stop people in their tracks a little and cause them to at least stop and think about how they’d answer it (whether they do or not).

    8. Formatting Comments

    I want to say right up front that this one should be done with caution (and could make you look like a try hard spammer) - but a subtle and clever use of formatting in comments can actually draw the eye to your comment. Scan through the comments left on a highly commented upon post and see what you notice. In most cases it’s only broken up by the names of commenters. Many blogs will allow you to use html in comments - allowing you to bold words, use italics and more (for example here at ProBlogger using ‘blockquotes’ in comments will change the formatting. Do this too much and you can actually find yourself in trouble - but bolding the occasional word for emphasis, using a little white space, using a symbol etc can give those viewing the page a subtle visual cue to look at your comment. Like I say - this should be done with caution.

    An example of this is to bullet your comments with different symbols. A number of readers of ProBlogger do this using symbols like ‘**’ or ‘–>’

    9. Helpful Links

    We’ve debated whether leaving links in posts is good practice previously - but my opinion is that when a link is helpful to those reading and when it adds value to the conversation in some way that it’s OK. I personally don’t like signature links in comments - but links as examples not only will potentially send people to your blog - they actually act as a visual cue (web users are wired to be on the look out for them).

    10. Comment Length

    Are all the comments on a post long? Leave a short one - it’ll stand out. Are all the other comments short? Leave a long one - again, it’ll stand out.

    11. Lists/Break it down

    A big turn off with comments can be when someone leaves a long detailed comment that has massive blocks of text. This can often be made to look worse than it is when the comments area is actually narrower than the area given to posts (as in here at ProBlogger). One way to break up the amount of text is to break your comment down into a list of short posts.

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    10 SEO Tips

    Posted In: . By photo malang

    It is not hard to be barking up the wrong tree when it comes to getting search engine traffic because there is so much out of date information being circulated.

    Not only is there out of date or invalid SEO advice getting around, there is also information which if acted upon, can result in your pages being banned.

    The SEO tips below should assist the reader in forming a basic understanding of how to create human friendly web pages which are easily understood by the most popular search engines.

    Know this. There are thousands of search engines but only two of them will bring you most of the traffic. They are google and yahoo. Another search engine that brings me a little traffic is msn but I do not focus too much on tactics for that engine.

    Focus your attention on the engines that will bring you the most visitors first and work your way down.

    Basic SEO

    1. Insert keywords within the title tag so that search engine robots will know what your page is about. The title tag is located right at the top of your document within the head tags. Inserting a keyword or key phrase will greatly improve your chances of bringing targeted traffic to your site.

    Make sure that the title tag contains text which a human can relate to. The text within the title tag is what shows up in a search result. Treat it like a headline.

    2. Use the same keywords as anchor text to link to the page from different pages on your site. This is especially useful if your site contains many pages. The more keywords that link to a specific page the better.

    3. Make sure that the text within the title tag is also within the body of the page. It is unwise to have keywords in the title tag which are not contained within the body of the page.

    Adding the exact same text for your h1 tag will tell the reader who clicks on your page from a search engine result that they have clicked on the correct link and have arrived at the page where they intended to visit. Robots like this too because now there is a relation between the title of your page and the headline.

    Also, sprinkle your keywords throughout your article. The most important keywords can be bolded or colored in red. A good place to do this is once or twice in the body at the top of your article and in the sub-headings.

    4. Do not use the exact same title tag on every page on your website. Search engine robots might determine that all your pages are the same if all your title tags are the same. If this happens, your pages might not get indexed.

    I always use the headline of my pages as the title tag to help the robots know exactly what my page is about. A good place to insert the headline is within the h1 tag. So the headline is the same as the title tag text.

    5. Do not spam the description or keyword meta tag by stuffing meaningless keywords or even spend too much time on this tag. SEO pros all agree that these tags are not as important today as they once were. I just place my headline once within the keywords and description tags.

    6. Do not link to link-farms or other search engine unfriendly neighborhoods. A good rule of thumb is if your pages do not contain any words that reflect the content of the site you are linking to, do not link to it.

    7. Do not use doorway pages. Doorway pages are designed for robots only, not humans. Search engines like to index human friendly pages which contain content which is relevant to the search.

    8. Title tags for text links. Insert the title tag within the HTML of your text link to add weight to the link and the page where the link resides. This is like the alt tag for images.

    My site contains navigation menus on the left and right of the page. The menu consists of links not images. The links are keywords. When you hover over the link with your mouse, the title of the link appears. View the source of this page to see how to add this tag to your links.

    9. Describe your images with the use of the alt tag. This will help search engines that index images to find your pages and will also help readers who use text only web browsers.

    10. Submit to the search engines yourself. Do not use a submission service or submission software. Doing so could get your site penalized or even banned.

    Here is the submission page for google:

    Submit only once. There is no need to submit every two weeks. There is no need to submit more that one page. Robots follow links. If your site has a nice link trail, your entire site will get indexed.

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