• Keyword Rank Checker - Track your website’s ranking in Google, MSN and Yahoo!
  • e-howdowedo.com - Free URL Submitter to many Search Engine and directory submitter

  • GreatListDirectory.com - Web Directory with SEO details information

  • Google vs Yahoo Graph - Graphic display of top 50 in Google & Yahoo linked

  • ageRank Lookup - check the PageRank for a website
  • PageRank Verification - check if the displayed PageRank is real
  • Yahoo! WebRank Checker - check your Yahoo WebRank without needing to install the Yahoo toolbar
  • Google PageRank Prediction - check predicted PR of a site
  • Page Strength Tool - quickly assess a site/page's relative importance and visibility
  • Site Stats Tool - A quick snapshot of many indices of your website(s)
  • Poodle Predictor - see what your site will look like in search-engine results
  • Multi-Rank Checker - View your Google PageRank and Alexa Ranking in bulk
  • PageRank Checker - View your Google PageRank on differnet Google servers
  • PageRank for Mac - PageRank toolbar widget For Macintosh
  • PulseRank - Tracks Ranking movement on Google for 1000 keywords
  • Bookmark & Blog Search Check - Find your backlinks in the major bookmarking sites and blog search engines
  • Reciprocal Link Check - check whether your link partners are linking back to your website
  • Link Popularity Checker - a popularity score given to a website based on inbound links
  • LinkPrice Lookup - check the price of your link
  • Link Price Calculator - another tool for checking the price of links
  • Link Checker - check your links to see if it’s still valid or not
  • Link Verification Tool - regularly monitors text links, alerts you to problems
  • Backlink Tracker - check search engines for the number of back links to any specific URL over time
  • Backlink Summary - This tool will give you a summary of your competitors backlinks
  • Xenu's Link Sleuth - Find broken links on web sites
  • Link Popularity - checks the total number of web pages which link to a website
  • Link Quality - Link popularity checker and link quality assessment
  • Link Price Calculator - help to determine the approximate amount you should be paying (or charging) per month for a text link (ad) from each and every page of the specified website
  • Site Link Analyzer - analyze a given web page and return a table of data containing columns of outbound links and their associated anchor text
  • PayPerPost - Get quality contextual links though sponsored blog postings
  • High Traffic Blog Advertising - get your article and links published across hundreds of blogs
  • ReviewMe - Get your service or Web site reviewed by bloggers
  • URL Rewriting - convert dynamic URLs into static looking HTML URLs
  • Link Extractor - Extract links from a specific web page
  • Link Shortener - shorten a web address
  • Directory Lister - only submit your site to the highest quality directories
  • Directory Search Tool - check if your website is on major directories
  • Co-op Advertising Network - get text ads across 20,000+ sites
  • Back Links Finder - Build relevant website back links
  • Backlink Anchor Text Analyzer - check link text used by your backlinks to Link to your wesbite
  • Similar Page Checker - determine the percentage of similarity between two pages
  • Keyword Verification - checks to see if your site is in the top three pages of a search engine result for a specific keyword
  • Keyword Density Analyser - another SEO tools for keywords
  • Indexed Pages Checker - find how many pages of your website have been indexed by Google, Yahoo,
    MSN, Alltheweb, Hotbot and AltaVista.
  • Keyword Cloud - a visual representation of keywords used on a website
  • Keyword Density - another SEO tool for checking keyword density
  • Keyword Analysis - analyse keywords on your website in specific Google datacenters
  • Keyword Data Miner - keyword search volume
  • Keyword Playground - determine key phrases and report on their monthly search estimate
  • Search Engine Saturation Tool - check the number of pages a given search engine has in its index for your website domain
  • Keyword Difficulty Check - see how difficult it would be to rank for specific keywords or phrases
  • Keyword Optimizer - optimizer your keywords with this tool
  • Keyword Typo Generator - generate a list of suggestions for likely human misspellings and typos
  • Comprehensive Typo Generator - generate more human misspellings and typos
  • Keyword Suggestion - Find related keywords matching your search
  • Another Keyword Suggection tool - suggest variations in WordTracker & Overture
  • Keyword Domain Suggestion - suggest keyword rich domain names
  • Free Keyword Research Tool - analyze the meta keywords of your competition
  • XML-Sitemaps - Build your Site Map online (XML, ROR, Text, HTML)
  • Gsitecrawler - Google (and Yahoo!) Sitemap Generator for Windows
  • Validate XML Sitemap - Search Engine Optimizion Tool for validating your xml sitemaps
  • Google Analytics - tells you everything about your visitors
  • Google Backlinks Check - Check Google and 9 data centers for backward link updates
  • Google Banned Checker - check whether a site is banned by Google or not
  • Search Engine Bot Simulator - SEO Tool to simulate search engine parsing of webpages and display discovered links.
  • Indexed pages - check the no. of indexed pages for your blog
  • Spider Simulator - simulates a search engine by displaying the contents of a web page
  • Search Engine Friendly Redirect Checker - checks the exact HTTP headers that a web server is sending with an HTTP response.
  • Search Engine Position - Locate your search listings on Google and Yahoo!
  • Search Listings Preview - Preview your website on Google, MSN and Yahoo! Search
  • HTML Encrypt - Hide your HTML source code
  • HTML Optimizer - Optimize and clean your HTML source code
  • HTTP Headers - Extract the HTTP Headers of a web page
  • HTTP Headers Viewer - check HTTP headers for any specific URL
  • Meta-tags Extractor - Extract meta-tags information from a web page
  • Meta-tags Generator - Generate and configure your meta-tags
  • META Analyzer - analyze a website’s meta tags
  • Meta Tag Generator - help you to generate meta tags
  • Meta Tag Optimization - Check your Title and Meta Tags for keyword optimization
  • Source Code Viewer - View the source code of a page
  • Alexa Traffic Rank - View and compare Alexa Ranking graphs
  • Domain Age Tool - find out the age of your competitor’s domains
  • Domain Stats Tool - get all kind of statistics of your competitor’s domains
  • Domain Availability - Check the availability of domains
  • Domain Look-up - Retrieve a range of information about a domain
  • Domain Whois - Retrieve domain whois information
  • Instant Domain Checker - Check the availability of domains instantly
  • Reverse IP/Look-up - Resolve a host to an IP address
  • Server Status - Check if your website is online or offline
  • Website Speed Test - Find out how fast your website loads
  • What Is My IP Address - shows your ip address
  • Class C Checker - check if some sites are hosted on the same Class C IP Range
  • IP to City - determine the Country, City, Latitude and Longitude of an IP Address
  • Website to Country - determine the Country in which the specified website is Hosted
  • Geo Visitors - detect where in the world visitors are coming from
  • Statcounter - famous free web tracker
  • Web Counter - very simple, free web counter
  • HiStats - Free, real time updated web stats service
  • Addfreestats - provide free website statistics
  • FEED Validator - for Atom and RSS
  • W3C Markup Validation Service - check for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards
  • Browser Screen Resolution Checker - shows what your site looks like with different screen resolutions